Full Application Form

  • Picture *Passport size :

  • Personal Data

    1. Full Name :
    2. IC Number :
    3. Sex :
    4. Date of Birth :
    5. Place of Birth :
    6. Mailing Address :
    7. Tel No. (Parent) :
    8. Tel No. (Student) :
    9. Email :
    10. Courses :
    11. Are you applying at another College? If Yes, Please state it.
      Yes No

    Parent / Guardian Information

    1. Full Name :
    2. Mailing Address :
    3. Employer's Name and Address :
    4. Occcupation :
    5. IC No. :
    6. Tel No. (H) :
    7. Tel No. (Parent/Guardian) :
    8. Monthly Income (RM) :
    9. Number of children :
    10. Relationship with Borrower / Student :
    11. Number of Children Who Are Studying :
    12. Number of Children Who Worked :

    Guardian Consent :

    • All the information provided in this form is correct.
    • To ensure that the child under my care attends the class due to any problems, it is my responsibility to inform the Sunrise College of the Hostel.
    • The Sunrise College Hostel will not be liable in the event of any undesirable event in violation of the hostel regulations.
    • Will visit the children under my care from time to time or as requested by the Sunrise College Hostel.
    • Authorize the management or his representative to act on my behalf in the event of any anxiety towards the child under my care.
    • Pledge will pay damages for all property damage Hostel Sunrise College conducted by the child under my care.

    I understand that if any of these information is found to be false, my application will be nullified by itself.


    Guarantor's Income Statement

    Please download the form. Click Here.